Distance from Baku
176 km
How to get to:
By road:
regular buses Baku – Neftchala – 3,5 hours
Neftchala district is located at the Kura river at the place where it falls into Caspian sea, on the ancient caravan track. In old times during winter frosty days khanates located at the nearest mountainous land brought here their herds of sheep for wintering. By this reason this place was called Khangishlagi (place of khan’s wintering).
Modern name of the city is connected with rich oil and gas pools. Fauna of the district is rich and various: it’s inhabited by Persian gazelles and pelicans, moos deer. There are sturgeons as well. Here is located a Kura pilot plant on breeding of sturgeon where in laboratories this kind of fish is growing and then is thrown down to Kura with the goal of reproduction of reserves. The main part of the Gizilagach reserve that is rich in flora and fauna is located at the territory of this district.
The administrative center of the district – Neftchala city is located not far from the mouth of Kura river. The city has Cultural Center, local history museum and art gallery. Here was born a famous struggler for national independence of Azerbaijan poet Khalil Rza Uluturk. In a list of industrial plants in the district are fish plant, iodine-bromine plant, pilot plant for sturgeon growth. Such medicinal plants as mint, dog rose, licorice, horsetail, chamomile, and others are grown in the district.
At the distance of 10 km from the center in the mouth of the river at the place where Kura falls into Caspian sea you can watch a surprising show: Kura waters are separated from sea water with the help of ideal line: looks like a thin line does not let these waters to mix. Kurkosa island is a perfect place for fishing.
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