Other names
Date of Birth
Country of birth
Place of birth
Sex Man Woman Bisexual
Phone number
Mobile number
Enter your permanent residence address.
E-mail address
Passport number
Passport issue date
Passport expiry date
Copy of the passport (scan of copy as shown in example)
Residence address (the address of your place of stay in Azerbaijan).
Please answer this question: Have you ever visited the Nagorno-Karabakh and other regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan occupied by the Republic of Armenia since 1991 without an official permission of the Republic of Azerbaijan? Yes No
The information that you provide must match the information on your passport. Otherwise, your e-visa will be seemed invalid. If it is found out that you illegally visited the Nagorno-Karabakh and other regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan occupied by the Republic of Armenia after 1991, you may not be allowed to enter the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan regardless of whether or not you have obtained an electronic visa.
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